Like A Paradise
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Like A Paradise
Moving too Fast
Thursday, December 11, 2014 • 9:06 AM • 0 comments

*Trying not to let you keep appearing in my mind* JK

As many time I try, It just suck. I wonder why? Oh well, Feelings started to fade and I just keep and still locked my heart and waited for the time that I finally, ready for any srious love. I dont want Love to destroy my whole life anymore. I have enough with what happend last year. I didn't accomplished anything. It was, really bad. I wonder why I keep crying and whnning about the past, tho i kept saying past is past but you know. WE all have something that we just regret. and the thing we can do is to keep living and smiling and stay strong. Oh well.

Also, I keep hearing the same song over and over and over again. HAH. why why why why *hentak kepala* lol jk. I just want to be happy and smile. maybe sebab, Saya ni dah bnyak tinggal semua suruhan-Nya. Hmm, sebab tu rasa mcm ni. I dont need Humans love. wait, I do need... I need Allah and Human's love. Everyone does. Maybe, I keep seeing ppl that I just can't you know? stir it ((memandai je aku nak kata cmput tpi pi tuleh stir)) HAHAH. wait what. k. So, yeahh I wonder why :/ Love is stupid, but Love is all what we need. In order to keep alive, we need Love to keep moving forward, something that just can be and always support us. I just hope, maYBE just MAybE, I could love someone with all my heart with someone who is serious and I'm ready to be in next stage, You know, what is it right? Yeah, Marriage I know, I'm still young but you know? I just dont want my youth to be wasted with some love that will never come to an end and just making my heart keeps breaking over and all over again. NO zeTTAi wil not.

I hv to take care my heart,Iman and nafsu and other things. I hv to keep moving forward, and face everything. Yes!!!!! please, I need more support!!! HUEHUE. Next year, will be really busy and my motto is to get 9A+ for SPM 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 I want to make my parents smile and I want all my relatives and families and everyone!!! to know, what I'm capble of. I will not give up, Tho, I always tired...... but I will not stand up alone anymore. I hv family,friends and ofc Allah. Allah will always stay by myside and will always watching me. I must... I must stay strong, and be patient. 

ya Allah, Please, Lend me strength.

Need to be stronger for myself. And this is for you guys too. Never give up on your dreams. There will always be a hope for everyone. Untuk apa Allah jadikan esok, Kalau tidak bersebab, tak mungkin kerana harini tak boleh, esok tak boleh ya tak. whoa.... I just made a quote for myself. Need to write this xD hahaha Oh yeah.

Thanks for reading. Jaa Matta ashita, see ya later! c:
((How its feel like when you wanna run away from your problems and other things just hit you like))

*face palm* 


Sincerely, Maira-chan <33


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